Magnificat Rosaries
 Heirloom Quality Hand Crafted Catholic Rosaries

Unique Catholic rosaries handmade to order,
unbreakable sterling silver wire wrapped rosaries
with genuine gemstone, cultured pearl, or crystal Aves
and cloisonne, art glass or Bali silver Our Fathers.
Designer consultation by e-mail:



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Scroll down to see "Sea Treasures Rosary" and "Stella Maris Rosary" incorporating
Hill Tribes Fine Silver sea shell and fish beads with Fresh Water Cultured Pearls


Blessed Mother in my rock garden

"My soul magnifies the Lord;
And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
Because He has looked upon the lowliness of His handmaid.
Henceforth all generations shall call me Blessed.
For He who is mighty has done great things for me,
And holy is His Name." (Luke 1:46-49)

               Our Lady of the Magnificat
                     The Mother of God

Mother of God Icon

Our Lady of the Magnificat is a Russian Icon known as "The Mother of God" and by Bizantine Catholics as "Our Lady of the Sign".  She has her arms raised, with the infant Jesus in her womb, giving praise to God, after Elizabeth greets her as "The mother of the Lord" and "Blessed among women". There are many variations of this image, some with brilliant colors.  I chose this one because she is covered with pearls and jewels.

I think of these designer rosaries as my gift to Mary of the Magnificat, to the glory of God, and so I have searched for the most beautiful rosary beads and highest quality sterling silver rosary components that I could find to inspire prayer to the Mother of God and to her Son. I prefer to make my rosaries with genuine gemstones and real pearls because they are God's own art work, and they remind me of what the priest says at the Elevation of the Host, "which earth has given and human hands have made".

I have been designing handmade rosaries since 1992, when I became Catholic. As a new Catholic, I wanted a rosary that I could tell the difference between where to say "Hail Mary" and where to say "Our Father". I couldn't find what I was looking for, so I decided to try making my own. So many people who saw my rosary wanted me to make one for them. These sterling silver wire wrapped rosaries are intended to be heirloom rosaries, made to last to be passed down, as our Catholic faith has been passed down, from generation to generation.

Magnificat Rosaries has been featured in's "Rosary Promoter of the Month". To see our interview please visit here...


                                          SEA TREASURES FRESH WATER CULTURED PEARL ROSARY

Handmade wire wrapped fresh water pearl  Rosary with Hill Tribes fish and shell beads.   

These unique Catholic rosaries, made with 7x8mm side drilled "potato" shape White Fresh Water Pearls (also available with Peach, Ocean Blue or Golden Sand Freshwater Pearls) combined with Hill Tribes Fine Silver beads and findings made entirely by hand, are a reminder that even when we are on vacation, enjoying surf and sand, fishing and collecting sea shells, we are a people called to prayer. In place of a traditional crucifix, I have used a Hill Tribes Fine Silver pendant with an elaborate cruciform design, and in place of the center medal, I have used a Hill Tribes Fine Silver "puff" shell. If you prefer a more traditional crucifix and center, please see the Stella Maris rosary below. All beads and links are wire-wrapped with Sterling Silver wire. $311.


handmade freshwater pearl rosary with fish and shell beads

Dedicated to Our Lady under the title "Stella Maris" (Star of the Sea), this unique rosary is a more traditional version of my best selling "Sea Treasures" rosary shown directly above this one. Some clients wanted a crucifix on their rosary and none of the stock crucifixes and centers would look right with it, so I searched for a set that is in harmony with the hand made Hill Tribes Fine Silver sea shell and fishes Our Father beads, and found this lovely set which is a Sterling Silver hand cast reproduction of antique rosary components from the Phillipines. Shown with side drilled "potato shaped" Peach Fresh Water  Pearls, this rosary is also available with White Fresh Water Pearls, Ocean Blue Freshwater Pearls or Golden Sand Freshwater Pearls.  The potato shape pearls vary in size and shape. This rosary is available wire-wrapped with sterling silver wire for $403.  The Phillipines heirloom reproduction crucifix and center are available only as a matched set and only by special order.


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