
GIRL'S FIRST COMMUNION ROSARIES This lovely smaller size rosary is perfect for First Communion, with 5mm and capped 7mm Fresh Water Cultured Pearls with small Filigree crucifix and center. Pearl rosaries are available in white, mauve, peach or pale mint green. See rosary #16 on Designer Collection 6 for pricing information. See a mauve small Fresh Water Cultured Pearl rosary on Designer Collection 9, rosary #41. Also available in many 5mm Gemstones, including: Pink Coral, Rock Crystal, Tiger Eye, Turquoise or Lapis Lazuli.

BOY'S FIRST COMMUNION ROSARY 6mm Black Rainbowed Obsidian or Black Onyx, capped in Bali silver is a classic for a boy's First Communion rosary. Shown with Immaculate Mary center and Starburst Crucifix. Some boys prefer their favorite color. Lapis Lazuli (royal blue with white and gold) would be nice for a boy who prefers dark blue. Mahogany Obsidian (rich brown marbled with black) or Tiger Eye (warm brown with irridescent golden bands) would be nice for a boy who prefers brown. Many other colors are available in similar style. See #17, Designer Collection 4 for more details and pricing information. Some boys prefer a larger rosary. See the 7mm Hematite rosary #15 on Designer Collection 3, also available in 7mm Lapis Lazuli, 7mm Tiger Eye and 7mm Black Tourmaline.

FAMILY HEIRLOOM ROSARY This rosary was designed for a mother of 10 children. The mother's birthstone is used for the 3 introductory Hail Mary's. The father's birthstone is used for the 6 Our Father's. In this case there are 10 different birthstones in each decade. Smaller families may prefer a separate decade for each child. Grandparents and siblings' birthstones may also be incorporated. Family birthstone rosaries are made with the actual gemstones. The components on this rosary are sterling silver hand cast from antique Baroque Heirloom rosary components. Price will depend on beads and components selected.

CONFIRMATION ROSARIES 8mm Carnelian, a translucent orange red with 12mm hand-made Bali Silver. This rosary is perfect for a Confirmation gift or for someone who has a devotion to the Sacred Heart or the Holy Trinity. Red symbolizes God's love for us, Christ's Passion, and the Holy Spirt's presence within us. The three bands on the Our Father Beads represent the Trinity. The 3/4" Sacred Heart of Jesus Escutchen and 2" IHS Crucifix complete the design. Multi-hued Red Agate is another good choice for a Confirmation Rosary.

CONFIRMATION ROSARY 6mm Red Coral with red floral glass capped in Bali Silver would be a lovely Confirmation rosary for a girl. If she would prefer a larger size, see Designer Collection 1, rosary #5. Garnet is another stone that is popular for Confirmation Rosaries. See Designer Collection 8, rosary #37 for a 7mm Garnet rosary. A more masculine style of Garnet rosary could be made in the same design as #15 on Designer Collection 3, with 7 & 8mm Garnet.
This is just a small sampling of rosaries that are suitable for First Communion and Confirmation. Some children prefer their birthstone or favorite color. In addition to the stones shown on this website, I can also get all birthstone colors in Swarovski Crystal.
